Capturing inspiration

 In faith, write

I am fascinated with how others gain ideas and inspiration. The actual creative process – ideas sparking, thoughts igniting – both boggles and intrigues me. One of my favorite TED talks is, “Your creative genius,” by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love). She tells of American poet Ruth Stone running through the fields, being “chased by a poem.” Stone often found herself frantically running for a pencil, because if she didn’t catch the poem by capturing it on paper she would miss it entirely – and she believed it would float right across the landscape until it found another poet who was ready to write.

I love that image … Probably because I so relate to it. One night, as I continuously interrupted a conversation to scratch at the notebook on my nightstand, I explained to my hubby that I feel like I have a hive of bees in my head, buzzing with words and ideas. I can either gain silence by penciling them in paper, or allowing them to fly away. And oh, how I fear them buzzing off! That’s why I pack a notebook and pen with me to ensure that I don’t miss those treasured, fast-flying words … and so I can “make honey” (as my husband calls it).

Just today, I read how Roger Hoffman came to the sweet lyrics of “Consider the Lilies” – one of my absolute favorite songs sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He said that he allowed his fingers to wander on the piano keys, and found himself repeating a melody … once that tune traced itself into his mind, words began to form. At one point, he declared the song complete and stood up to leave, but felt pulled back to the piano bench. A message came to his mind that said, “I’m not finished yet.” Hoffman sat back down to record the final and most poignant, precious verse … and when it was finished, Hoffman wept.

Sometimes, God’s inspiration chases us …
             sometimes it buzzes in our ears …
                             sometimes it pulls & holds on tight …
                                          but day-to-day He whispers …

He whispers right when we need it and when our hearts can hear it. He speaks to us in the very moment.

“And it shall be given thee in the very moment what thou shalt speak and write” (D&C 24:6).

He whispers when something is good. Or true. He whispers warnings. Or promptings. He whispers His plan for us. Once He speaks — and no matter what He speaks — it is up to us to do something with His message.

So the real question is … What do you do with His words? In the past, I’ve pushed promptings to the side or blanketed them with a distraction. I’ve hushed His words and spoken mine (and regretted it ever since). I’ve even jotted down His whispers, only to forget they were penned in the first place. When I truly capture His inspiration, I etch His words on my soul … I soak them in and make them a part of me … following them promptly and precisely … that’s when I begin to be and see like Him. It’s a beautiful thing … one that I need to make happen more often.


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  • Jamie

    Thank you so much for this tender post. It reminds me of President Uchtdorf’s “Create” talk, which I love. It also reminds me of a book I recently finished by Emily P. Freeman–“A Million Little Ways.” I can totally relate. I have a blog post list a mile long and the inspiration just keeps flowing. I can’t even keep up with the ideas pouring into my heart and soul. I feel that as long as I keep writing, the Lord will keep whispering.

    • JesPoe

      Thank you for your sweet comment! I’ll have to look into that book and go re-read Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk. Thank you … and keep writing! Your words inspire and are inspired. 🙂

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