Spread love & scatter sunshine

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“Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad, making someone feel glad … if not, I have failed indeed.”

It doesn’t take much to scatter sunshine … a sincere smile or hug … or sending a love note or inspiring quote can do the trick … Today, just the vision of little ones’ shining eyes snapped me into my happy place.

Here’s to spreading the love by stretching ourselves towards others, locking arms and lifting up; then traveling our roads together … together, towards Him.

In addition to sharing the good (and being the good) one drop at a time, I’ve noticed what a difference it makes when I identify the good droplets from others. Having a gratitude attitude scatters the sunshine further and soaks up those drops of good and internalizes them – making them last for eternity!

So, what mini-moments bring good cheer to your heart? What good have you seen lately?

spread love

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  • Michelle R

    Love that song. It’s mentioned a few times in my patriarichal blessing and your thoughts are so spot-on. We do need to scatter sunshine all along the way!

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