Not perfect … but good & getting better

 In Christ, Everyday MOMents

I still can’t believe it happened … I spoke at BYU Women’s Conference this year. What a soul-stretching, surprise blessing! The topic and invitation came by mail in early January, and by the end of April I was standing behind a podium in the Wilkinson Center Ballroom facing a beautiful crowd of approximately 1,400 sisters.

I received a MP3 of my talk; and BYU granted permission for it to be posted on this site. Disclaimer: My presentation does not represent the official views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or of Brigham Young University. Also, I ask that you don’t use any portion of this presentation without written request/approval.

Sadly, the audio version of the presentation cuts off the last three minutes of my talk … the portion that contains a personal story about my dad’s experience in the hospital this year and a specific spiritual lesson gained during that trying time. My mom wants me to record that section of the talk and add it on later (gotta love my mama and her constant cheerleading!) … perhaps I’ll get to that someday. Also, I had some PowerPoint problems during the presentation, so you’ll hear me fumbling a bit in attempts to get the technology up to speed. Ah yes, that’s  how it goes. Thankfully, I can smile and say that the presentation was not perfect – but good.

With all that said, here’s “Not Perfect … But Good & Getting Better.” 

not perfect but good and getting better

Thanks for listening!

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