Divine words: His purpose and products

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Our Sunday School teacher gripped my attention when he claimed books as one of the greatest inventions of all times. I’ve heard other answers before, including the printing press, the wheel and the gasoline automotive … but never books. His reasoning? Books are still the most enduring, durable and transportable means of communicating. He also shared a portion of this quote by Hugh Nibley:

“[Through writing] we have a means of transmitting not only the deeds but also the very thoughts of men through unlimited expanses of space and time—and this amazingly economical and efficient device has been in the possession of the human race from its very beginning … If you bring together all the written records of man’s past, you will discover that the overwhelming mass of material is religious in nature, and that the primary purpose to which writing has been put through the ages has not been for business records and correspondence, in which writing is employed awkwardly and without enthusiasm, but for keeping a remembrance of God’s dealings with men. The specific purpose of writing, as the Egyptians put it, is to record the mdw ntr, the divine words.”
– Hugh Nibley (full manuscript here)

I love it! The divine words, remembering God’s dealings with men – that’s precisely the purpose and product of Everyday MOMents (and countless other books). By gathering a myriad of heaven-sent experiences and thoughts in the written form, I have more clearly seen God’s hand in the divine details of my everyday life. My eyes have been opened, my heart softened and my mind expanded. It has truly blessed me and my mothering, and I’m thrilled at the possibility of His message in these pages extending to others. I’m in awe at the opportunities becoming available in order to further that goal. What really chokes me up, is thinking my kiddos will read it as they grow and perhaps my grandchildren …

With all that said, I’m thrilled to announce that Everyday MOMents: Discovering Christ in the Details of Motherhood is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble! Simply click those hyperlinks to ensure yourself a hot-off-the-press copy. I can’t wait to hold my first hard copy – it’s at the printing press this week and that thought alone has me giddy. A real printing press! The publishing professionals and I went through several rounds of proofs, and I’m hoping that every petite punctuation mark is properly in place; and I’m praying that my words express His teachings purely.

I’m still swooning over that cover …

And if you’re still reading my ramblings, may I say thank you?! Thank you for your support! Thank you for following and be-friending me!
Happy reading – and happy anticipation of reading! 🙂


Preorder post









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  • Julie

    Love you and your writing! You help keep me going in the right direction and help me see things in a different light. For this, I’m so very grateful to have you in my life…
    Thank you~

  • Gail Fage

    Your writing comes from a spiritual heart that teaches your love of our Savior. Anxious to hold and read my copy of Everyday MOMents. Proud of you!

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