Look around. How many lights you can see – right from where you are, right now? This time of year, strands of lights adorn trees (inside and out), homes, bushes and businesses. The whole [...]
So yeah, they’re the same old strands – outlining houses and dotting trees – but to me, these lined bulbs that shine year after year are significant. They embody the light of Christ. Some [...]
Merry Christmas! One of our favorite parts of getting ready for Christmas is setting up our nativity. My three children all look forward to it, and they eagerly extend their hands to help. In [...]
In the last post, I shared how I’ve recently been struck by the lessons of the wise men – and how the wise men of old are equally applicable to the wise women of today. I wrote about three [...]
It’s amazing how we can hear the story of Christmas year after year, and yet continue to learn new ways to apply it to our lives. This year, I’ve been struck by the lessons of the wise men. And [...]