I was cherishing time at my parents’ home – sweet scents, comfort food and three generations laughing together. Like usual, World News blared in the background. When, “new successful cancer [...]
“Learning, pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime, anywhere in the world,” said Richard [...]
My Peter Pan prodigies have been putting on Pan plays for years – always with vigor and vim and ever-essential imaginations. We’ve read J.M. Barrie’s classic, watched the play, seen the movie(s) [...]
Remember those classes in school when you wondered, “When will I ever use this? Why am I even memorizing this stuff?” I’d walk out of my university’s testing center and actually felt the crammed [...]
Spray-painted silver from head-to-toe, the man stood frozen behind sunglasses. He could see our eyes, but we couldn’t see his. “Is he a real man?” asked my five-year-old, Eli. I testified that he [...]
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead. I completely agree with that quote … and [...]
On the side of my main-squeeze mommy job, I’m a freelance writer for the healthcare industry … so, I wake during wee hours to write about or interview patients, physicians or healthcare workers. [...]
On a Sunday afternoon I found myself in rare circumstances: alone. The sun was shining and after hours of church I was done sitting, so off I tromped to the woods. We’ve trekked the woodsy trails [...]
Back in high school, my seminary teacher taught that if we pray for patience, we’ll receive opportunities to be patient. That didn’t sound too appealing to me, so I made a mental note not to pray [...]
Make summer reading sacred (+summer book report freebie!) One of my favorite childhood summertime memories involves lying under a willow tree and inhaling fresh air and fascinating books. [...]